Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New World Disoder

This is the information age, when almost any information you need is almost free-say you need to get a laptop and your internet connection, all you have to know how to do is find, search, explore(whatever term you use when you are digging around Google or some other website, application or software) the internet to get what you need.  If you have got a little problem on the job, all you got to do is find the right forum and you instantly get a solution. From music to books, cooking recipes to programming tips, it’s all free. Knowledge is free as it is; never in the history of mankind has knowledge and information been so readily available. Granted, the time may come when regulatory bodies or authors of such intellectual properties will want to get due credit for their work. But for now, free is the word. At this point, it’s completely objective; you all may agree that it’s all free.  It’s a big free world right?
            What I wanted to do was post some of the links where I get free stuff. But seriously, I’m not feeling very free right now. I might drop the links here and somebody might claim intellectual props on some of the content in the links I display on this free blog. This is my second post on this blog and I’m already feeling like I’m going to be confined or limited to some extent. So how is anything free? Yeah, I have got a conscience and I feel for those people that had to work so hard to make all of this possible. But we are going to be feeling a different kind of limitation in the future. Freedom of speech is almost extinct, say the wrong thing, if it gets misconstrued, you will know how the word cataclysmic applies to you.
Very Thinkable
            Just like the movie Inception, we will get to the age when nothing is private, not even your thoughts and dreams. Inception is one of the most important movies of this decade; thought provoking, totally realistic and could be happening somewhere right now. But when are we going to set a limit of things like that, go see Unthinkable, I believe stuff like that is giving us a peek into the future. If these are portrayals of the future, there is no limit to what men will do to get what they want. But then again, in a situation like what went down in Unthinkable, you don’t take a knife to a gun fight, what Jackson’s character did was well within reason. It just goes to show how ambiguous and untenable life in this time and age is.
            This is what it has all come down to: do what you gotta do, even if it’s illegal, just make sure you don’t get caught. That’s why traders on Wall Street can deliberately screw up the economy just to make big profits, and they got away with it. That’s why the whole world is literally going down the drain, accountability is out the window, just do what you have to do to get what you need, consequences be damned. Has anybody seen the story of stuff, the cycle of the stuff from production to consumption to disposal, would you have believed that the cycle was man-made. Just do what you have to do. Nothing else matters.
            How did we get here? God help us.
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